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Wedding etiquette

If you’re wondering what are the main rules to follow according to the etiquette for a wedding, have a look at a few here below!



  • The groom can wear a blue, grey or striped suit wedding etiquette
  • The bride has to wear few, simple jewels, no rings. Her make-up and hair have to be delicate. If the bride wears gloves, she has to take them off after her arrival at the ceremony, when she sits in the church
  • The veil for the bride is allowed only for religious ceremonies
  • Women will have to avoid white dresses (that’s the colour for the bride). Black is allowed if the reception is at night. Avoid also flashy dresses.
  • Men cannot wear hats in the church
  • If you’re having a ceremony in a church, remind to cover your shoulders
  • The mother of the bride is the first to arrive where the ceremony takes place, together with the witnesses. She will be the last to sit down when the bride has arrived.
  • The groom will enter first with her mother on the right, then flower girls, bridesmaids and in the end the bride with her father on her right.
  • The bride can arrive 20-30 minutes after the groom entrance


  • In the past in Italy the Bridal Bouquet was supposed to be the last gift from the groom-to-be, who used to deliver it to the bride’s house in the morning.
  • After the end of the dinner, before the cutting of the cake, the bridal bouquet is supposed to be given to the dearest single friend. If there’s more than one, the bride proceeds to the famous bouquet toss.


  • At the table, usually the bride sits to the left side of the groom; next to her sits her father, mother and witness. On the right side of the groom we have his mother, father and best man. But for the Italian etiquette it’s exactly the opposite! In fact, married women sit to the right while single ladies to the left.
  • Forks will have to be placed on the left while knives and spoons on the right. Plates for the bread on the left and glasses on the right, from the smallest to the tallest one.
  • Tablecloths will have to touch the floor
  • During the dinner, newlyweds have to and chat with every guest.wedding toast
  • During the reception, the groom will have to be always by the bride’s side


  • After the honeymoon, the couple has to send thank-you cards to everyone who attended the wedding
  • Nowadays things have changed but in the past the family of the bride took charge of the expenses for the wedding reception while the family of the groom the ones for the house for the newlyweds, rings and honeymoon

If you’re curious to know more about wedding etiquette, leave us a comment and follow us on our Facebook Group.


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